Corporate Values

Our corporate values support and serve as the foundation for our strategic initiatives and truly reflect the Company’s “tone at the top” which is embedded in our culture and continues to drive our behavior.

  • Create and deliver long-term value to shareholders
    • * Focus on long-term shareholder value
    • * Emphasize transparency of results and long-term value creation
    • * Prohibit “make-the-period” operating and/or accounting philosophy
  • Employ disciplined capital allocation priorities for organic growth, inorganic growth, regular dividends and return of excess cash to shareholders
  • Maintain financial strength and flexibility
  • Create and sustain a defensible competitive position
  • Communicate a clear and simple story to investors
  • Proactively engage to build relationships with investors
  • Provide a Best in Class customer experience
    • Deliver on time, every time
    • Consistently provide the shortest lead times
    • Achieve zero claims
    • Accept customer claims on a no-fault basis (subject to limitations for $ amount and/or chronic abuse by individual customers)
    • Provide superior support, service, training and rapid response
    • Be the “easiest to do business with”
  • Offer competitively priced products commensurate with the value provided
  • Employ rigorous process controls to provide consistent attributes in all of our products
  • Develop new products, processes and capabilities that address current or emerging customer needs
  • Provide a safe and clean workplace
  • Treat employees with dignity and respect
  • Be responsive to employees
  • Provide an environment of empowerment, responsibility and accountability
  • Assure effective, open two-way individual and group communications
  • Develop and maintain a positive relationship with all employees and their designated representatives
  • Provide an environment that embraces creativity, learning and innovation
  • Offer competitive pay and benefits that attract and retain employees
  • Offer a variable pay component linked to performance and economic profit
  • Pay a competitive price for value provided
  • Be easy to do business with
  • Assure integrity and fairness
  • Encourage effective two-way communications
  • Demand excellence through collaboration
  • Set clear and consistent expectations and demand accountability
  • Be socially responsible and active members of our industry and our communities
  • Enforce the values embedded in preferred investment, preferred supplier, preferred employer, and preferred customer